We Acquire with the smartest intelligence, Invest with utmost accuracy, and let our customers Live in convenient, well served properties - all while delivering excellent investment returns.
Real time ingestion from Europe's leading listing and market intelligence providers gives us clean, organised data on a massive volume of acquisition targets.
Traditional real estate investors have to sift through disparate listings and spreadsheets to identify comparable assets. IMMO artificial intelligence trained on vast datasets hones in on the most relevant comparables and enables surgically precise underwriting at unparalleled speeds.
Most property managers still use systems that haven't evolved since the days of Windows 95 - and work differently in each country. Our enterprise-grade property management system relies on open APIs and modern architecture to give you real time analytics - in any geography.
Problems in your property? IMMO's Resident Superapp and AI assistant enable near-instant issue resolution, and grants our residents round the clock support.