Our story.

Founded in 2017, we have assembled an experienced team of 150+ which includes successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders with expertise from McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Uber, HSBC, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, Google and many more.

Our story.

Founded in 2017, we have assembled an experienced team of 150+ which includes successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders with expertise from McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Uber, HSBC, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, Google and many more.

Our story.

Founded in 2017, we have assembled an experienced team of 150+ which includes successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders with expertise from McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Uber, HSBC, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, Google and many more.

Our Leadership Team.

We’re committed to making IMMO a great place to work, for ourselves and our investors.

Hans-Christian Zappel

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Senior Leadership

Samantha Kempe

Co-founder & Chief Investment Officer

Senior Leadership

Arik Benzino


Senior Leadership

Chris Chinaloy

Chief Operating Officer

Senior Leadership

Ali Hararwala

Chief Product Officer

Senior Leadership

Thomas Führich

Chief Legal Officer

Senior Leadership

Gareth Jones

Head of People

Senior Leadership

Mariyam Dahodwala

Head of Strategic Finance

Senior Leadership

Ruediger Kimpel

Head of Capital Sales

Capital Markets Leadership

Alex Dyroff

Head of Investment Strategy, Germany

Capital Markets Leadership

Daniel Riahi

Director, Capital Markets

Capital Markets Leadership

William Cooper-Pearson

Head of Investment Strategy, UK

Capital Markets Leadership

Alvaro Garcia

Head of Investment Strategy, Spain

Capital Markets Leadership

Moritz Heck

Country Manager, Germany

Operations Leadership

Carthage Murphy

Head of Development Management

Operations Leadership

© IMMO Investment Technologies S.à r.l. 2023, 17, Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, L-1331 Luxembourg, all rights reserved.

IMMO Investment Technologies UK Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of IMMO Investment Technologies S.à r.l, and part of the IMMO group of companies – see the full list of entities in the IMMO group of companies

The investments referred to on this website are not suitable for all investors and are intended for certain categories of investors only. IMMO Investment Technologies UK Limited does not give financial advice to investors about the suitability of the investments. Investors should seek advice from a person who specialises in advising on illiquid real assets. Unregulated investment opportunities in complex instruments are considered high risk. Therefore, we only work with investors who are sufficiently knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with these types of investments and are classified as professional investors. Investors should ensure that they comply with the laws of their local jurisdiction before investing.